
인테리어 색결정 비법

델리맨 2010. 6. 22. 08:00

얼마전 안방과 다은이 방을 페인트로 칠했다.
각각 2시간씩 투자하고 환기 시키고 머 그정도의 노력으로
얻을수 있는 분위기 전환이란 이루 말할수 크다.

물론 각각 2시간씩 2틀에 걸쳐 방을 칠했지만
무엇보다 그전에 어떤 색으로 할까? 라는 고민은 몇일간 했다.
우리가 고른것은 짙은 올리그 그린색이었는데...
무난한 색이다.

가끔은 짙은 원색으로 칠을해서 창조적인 분위기를 연출하고 싶기도 하다.
하지만 왠지 한국에선 안어울릴거 같다...

아래 색을 선택하는데 있어서의 가이드가 될만한 글이 있어 퍼왔다.

How do you choose colors for the interiors of your home? Did you know the colors you like are mainly based on what emotion you feel when you’re in the space? Your emotional connection to the space relates to your style.

interior design colors How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your Style

blue How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your StyleBLUE: is calming and soothing, and is commonly used in bathrooms and bedrooms. If your style is for a more Zen-like décor, blue is for you. From robin’s egg light blue to deep turquoise, use blues in the relaxing spaces of your home. Deep royal and navy blue spark creativity. Use this stylish color in your home office and art studio.

green How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your StyleGREEN: is associated with nature and freshness. Your style is geared towards the outdoors and renewal of the spirit. Use greens also in bathrooms, bedrooms, living spaces, and kid’s rooms. Grass green and sage green are perfect for a baby’s nursery. Deeper hunter and army greens are good in more energizing entertaining spaces and home libraries.

red How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your StyleRED: the boldest and vibrant of the color spectrum. Your style is exotic and energetic if you prefer a large amount of red in your interiors. Red evokes the senses of vitality, hunger, and energy.  For a more subtle interior, use red in accent pillows, drapery, and decorative vases.  Red can be used in kitchens, dining rooms, and in areas that energy is important.

yellow How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your StyleYELLOW: Is your personality cheerful and bright? Those who choose yellow like a happy and cheerful style. Muted tones of yellow are welcoming in a foyer, while buttery yellows are appreciated in laundry rooms and basements. Use yellow in accents to blue and green, and mix fresh tones with cheery styling.


brown How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your StyleBROWN: Depending on your style, brown can be deep like Espresso coffee or muted like camel tan. Browns give a feel of security, and strength.  If your styling is for sophistication and subtlety, brown is for you.  Use brown in combination with pastel colors for a modern compliment in your interiors.  Popular in décor these days are brown paired with pink, light blue, sage green, and light yellow.

grey How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your StyleGRAY: Considered the more creative white, gray is a great pairing up color. This neutral color’s styling is great for home offices and areas of the home rich in mental activity. The new color hit? Griege – A combination of gray and beige, very modern and when used in décor, can be warmer than a traditional gray. Your style is hip and modern with a sense of purpose if you choose gray interiors.

black How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your StyleBLACK: When using black in décor, your styling could be sophisticated and dramatic, or it can be dark and gloomy.  When using black, pair it with lighter colors to reduce a ‘cave-like’ feeling in your spaces. Consider how much light is in your space when using black, the darker the color, the more light you need in the space for it to feel inviting.

white How to Choose Interior Colors that Match Your Style

WHITE: Your style is fresh, timeless and secure with white. White can be refreshing in sunrooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and living spaces. Consider the traffic and how often the space will be used when decorating with white. The color looks fresh when clean, and uninviting when dirty. For interiors that evoke a cottage style living, add punches of color and mix and match textures of the entire neutral palette.

Depending on the hue and saturation of any color, your home can be evoke the styling you crave!