
여행갈때 사와야할 인테리어 아이템

델리맨 2008. 3. 14. 08:27

Kendra Redman 이라는 사람이 쓴 글입니다.

외국 사람들이 사는 집에 다양하고 특이한 소품들을 보면서 우리와는 많이 다르다 생각이 들었습니다.
저 사람들은 저런걸 다 어디서 구할까 하는 생각도 했었습니다.

그런데 이 글을 보니...
내가 출장갔을때 여행갔을때...촌스러워 보여서... 구차나서... 사지 않았던 그런 소품들이
집의 인테리어와 어울리면 더없이 소중한 아이템이 되겠구나 하는 생각이 들었습니다.

이제 여행이나 출장을 가게 되면 생각해서 사와야 겠어요.

이 아이템을 어디에 어떻케 배치하면 이쁘겠다 생각을 하면서...

생각없이 분위기에 휩사여 사면 짐 또는 쓰레기가 되지만  아래의 팁을 가지고 산다면
친구들이 부러워 할만한 아이템이 될거같습니다.  

기사 원문

We have all made the same mistake, c’mon admit it. While on that recent relaxing holiday you bought something you thought would capture that holiday feeling when you returned home to your regular routine. It might have been in a bustling local market, maybe it was something you saw created in front of you by a local craftsperson or an item spotted in a tiny shop presided over by an old stooped woman who smiled charmingly at you.

You were excited about your treasure and made sure it was wrapped and bundled securely for the trip back. Once home you unwrapped the gem eagerly with your mind racing as to where it would look best in your house. In the bright light of day you flinched when you saw your precious vacation souvenir in its new surroundings. Suddenly the colors of your prize, that seemed so bright and cheerful in its native land, only look garish to you now. The details on the pottery you found so charming and quaint clash with your post modern furniture. The tribal mask that seemed primitive ironic while trekking scare your children when they walk by it. What on earth possessed you to buy these things?

The desire to bring back an object to represent your vacation bliss is a natural one that everyone falls prey to on some vacation in their life. So how do you do vacation decorating right? Follow these few simple rules and you will won’t have another vacation decorating disaster.

영어가 짧아서 해석이 다 안되지만...제가 생각하는 기사의 요점을 적어봤습니다.
수정해주실분 raise your hand^^

Textiles – textiles are a great way to bring a splash of your adventures into the home in a subtle way. The textile can be hung, framed, made into a pillow, used to upholster a furniture piece or used as a table runner. A glimpse will still remind you of the village woman who wove the beautiful fabric but not be as jarring as hanging a Swiss cuckoo clock on your minimalist walls.
가장 이국적인 느낌을 주는 직물들은 여행지의 느낌을 집으로
갖어오기에 딱 좋은 아이템. 여러 용도로 활용해 보자.

– Travel photos are wonderful souvenirs. Don’t put them in a variety of mismatching frames or your walls and surfaces will look like one big photo album.Choose an odd number of the best ones and frame in the same simple frames, preferably black with a large mat, and wall mount giving an art gallery effect. To blend with any interior, have the photos developed in black and white.
멋진 사진을 사가지고 와서 어울리지 않는 프레임에 넣지 말고
심플한 프레임에 넣을것.

Bowls – Bowls are functional, attractive and easy to find in any part of the world. You can buy a bamboo lacquered one in Vietnam, a pewter bowl in Norway, a pottery one from Portugal or a rustic wooden bowl from Africa. Lined up on a display shelf they will complement each other as well as telling the story of your journeys.

그릇은 세계 어디에나 있고 특색 있는 것을 구할수 있기 때문에
본인이 어디를 다녀 왔는지도 나타내며 여러 용도로 사용할수 있다.

– Unless you are an investor, choosing art is always a personal thing. That watercolor from France would be a great addition to your guest bathroom.Or the large brightly colored painting can add the spice to your neutral interior.
So the next time you find yourself standing in front of that four foot fertility statue in some faraway place telling yourself it could go in that empty corner in the living room – just walk away.
예술품은 신중하게 구매할것.
이게 본인집 빈공간에 어울릴건지 생각해보고 구매할것.